Wondering how to get acne-free skin?
It’s frustrating when you’ve tried all the latest products and treatment options only to still deal with red spots on your face.
If you’re tired of trying different acne products, consider the root problems. From the products you use to how you care for your body, many factors can play into acne.
Check out these four tips to help you get clearer skin.
You browse the beauty aisles carefully, choosing the perfect products that claim to help with acne. But are you really causing more issues for your skin?
Many of the ingredients in the very products that claim to reduce acne may actually make it worse.
A number of ingredients commonly used in the off-the-shelf skin care products can clog pores and irritate your skin. Synthetic dyes and fragrances are often a major problem for people who are prone to acne. Look for professional skin care products without those synthetic ingredients.
Other skincare ingredients that can cause acne issues include silicone, talc, sulfate, phthalates, and parabens. These ingredients are often found in facial cleansers, moisturizers, cosmetics, and shampoos.
Read the labels for any products you use on your skin.
Limiting the use of makeup may also help keep acne under control.
What goes into your body affects your outward appearance, including your skin. Healthy foods nourish your body from the inside out and help you have a healthier complexion.
For example, a low-glycemic diet, including fresh vegetables, beans, and oatmeal, may help reduce your acne. In one study, 87% of people on a low-glycemic diet for weight loss also noticed they had less acne on the diet.
Low-glycemic diets control blood sugar spikes, which reduces inflammation. Blood sugar spikes may increase sebum production, which can lead to more acne. By controlling the spikes and reducing inflammation and sebum production, you may notice less acne.
Do you consistently short yourself on quality sleep? It could affect more than how you feel.
One study showed a connection between people who felt fatigued upon waking and having acne. If you’re not getting enough sleep or if the sleep you get isn’t high quality, you may see the effects on your skin.
Lack of sleep can also cause skin aging. Increased cortisol production can damage the collagen in your skin. Collagen is important in having smooth, resilient skin.
It’s not always what you put directly on your face that causes acne. Other products in close proximity to your face can lead to acne.
Anything you use on your hair can cause issues on your face. Choose gentle hair products without extra chemicals.
Laundry detergent can also cause acne issues. You come into contact with the detergent residue when your clothes, towels, sheets, and blankets touch your face.
And makeup applicators such as sponges and brushes harbor harmful bacteria. You need to cleanse them periodically, ideally every time when you are fighting against acne.
If you’re trying to figure out how to get acne-free skin, look at the products you’re using and the habits you have. Small changes can improve the look and health of your skin quickly.
If you’re still struggling with acne, professional treatments can help. Contact us today to explore the options that will work for you.
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