An award-winning and Health Canada approved LED device, the CellumaPro LED Light device is a relaxing, non-invasive treatment that is applied using a low-level LED light. The application of non-UV, low-level light energy to the body reduces oxidative stress, stimulates cellular energy production, increases circulation and production of collagen and elastin, accelerates tissue repair, decrease wrinkles and inflammation, improves skin tone, wrinkles, texture, and clarity, kills acne-causing bacteria, and much more. At Vita Felice Medi Spa, we offer clients LED light therapy treatments for the relief of acne, post-cosmetic treatment discomfort, and as an anti-aging solution.

It’s recommended to do LED Light Therapy at least twice a week for a period of 8-12 weeks. Packaged treatment does not include masks or corrective serums, it is designed to be quick and easy but they are available as an add-on. LED Light Therapy also serves as an excellent add-on, particularly after microneedling, microchanneling, chemical peel, dermaplaning, and extraction!

Read 6 surprising benefits of LED Light Therapy.

*Add on 15 min+ | $25+
*Package | $500+

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Book an appointment with the skincare experts at Vita Felice Medi Spa.


  • Anti-Aging
  • Acne
  • Acne Scars
  • Texture
  • Post Treatment