We tailor facial treatments to your skin’s obstacles. Fight the aging process, confront acne, and get a radiant complexion that glows from the inside out with a custom treatment today!
We tailor facial treatments to your skin’s obstacles. Fight the aging process, confront acne, and get a radiant complexion that glows from the inside out with a custom treatment today!
Your home skincare routine isn’t one-size-fits-all, so why should your facial be? At Vita Felice Medi Spa, we provide effective skincare solutions with your specific concerns as our priority. Reap the proven results of exfoliation, CBD Facial, and oxygenation with a custom facial in a clean, professional, and relaxing setting.
Whether you suffer from sun damage, dark spots, acne, congestion, dull skin, fine lines, wrinkles, loss of laxity, melasma, Rosacea, eczema, oily skin, dry skin, or sensitive skin– a customized facial will address all these concerns in an effective and personalized manner.
If you struggle with sensitive skin or acne, you might be nervous to introduce new products to your skin during a facial. We make sure you don’t have to worry. When you consult with our skincare expert Rachel, Vita Felice’s owner and lead esthetician, she addresses your concerns from every angle and comes prepped with tools to offer relief to any skin sensitivity
Depending on your obstacles and needs, regular custom facials may be all you require as in-clinic treatments. If we determine more advanced modalities would be better suited to treat your concerns, we will recommend them. We offer chemical peels, dermaplaning, LED Light Therapy, microchanneling, and microneedling. Interested in a sugaring facial? We can provide that too.
Though results will vary according to your individual goals, every facial offers these enviable outcomes:
Using top-notch products, your custom facial will combat textures, fine lines and wrinkles, and boost collagen leaving you with a firm, dewy complexion.
Fight the aging process and smooth over acne. Tightening pores and allowing the skin to breath will slow the onset of fine lines and pesky wrinkles.
Exfoliation is a facial staple. Clearing pores and addressing age spots, our professional knows how to turn a dull appearance into a luminescent glow.
We only use effective, top-grade products. This means after every custom facial you leave our treatment room with the soft supple skin of your dreams
When you book your first consultation, Rachel will assess your skin from a holistic standpoint. We know lifestyle choices are as vital to maintaining healthy skin as picking the perfect moisturizer. Inquiring about your diet and stress levels with your specific goals in mind, together we will curate a skincare solution that goes beyond just our office.
Depending on your skin severity and the goals you seek to solve with our custom care, clients are recommended to receive a facial anywhere from once a week to monthly. If you’re a first time customer or have taken a break longer than six months, the initial facial will last from 75 to 90 minutes. After that, when you return regularly the treatment duration will be 45 to 60 minutes.
At Vita Felice, we know the scope of your beauty goes beyond just a scar or an age spot. That’s why we view our facial treatments as more than an hour of pampering. Done right, custom skincare can act as a small solution to self-consciousness and personal barriers.
Break free from your inhibitions and unleash your unique beauty with the help of Vita Felice.
We help our clients glow, and today we would love to help YOU. Address your concerns and fall in love with your skin with a custom facial treatment from Vita Felice.
60 mins| $130+
** Loyalty program available
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