Tattoo industry experts have estimated that over the next several years, tattoo removal will increase in demand by 18%. While full-scale removal can take a while, emergency tattoo removal is one option for those who want their ink gone quickly. One of the best ways to do this is via saline tattoo removal.
You might be looking forward to your new cosmetic tattoos, be it microblading, ombré brows, or lip blush. So, when it’s clear it’s gone wrong, it can be very frustrating. If this is the case, you might need emergency tattoo removal.
The idea may not be appealing; however, if you follow the below steps, it’s easy to promote effective healing and save yourself any unnecessary embarrassment. Saline tattoo removal is fast becoming a very effective way to remove tattoos with much less pain.
Read more about the dos and don’ts of emergency tattoo removal below.
Saline tattoo removal is a very safe way to remove your tattoos. A saline solution is used to extract the ink from your skin. It is effective in making the tattoos invisible and can also be used to lighten them.
Saline tattoo removal is often not as painful as other tattoo removal methods. It is also less likely to cause scarring or other skin damage.
It is particularly effective in removing permanent brows and lip tattoos beyond the vermilion border.
Sometimes you know immediately that your cosmetic tattoos have gone wrong. Emergency tattoo removal can be done up to 48 hours after getting tattoos. However, once scabs are formed, then the window of emergency removal is over and you’ll have to wait.
Laser tattoo removal is frequently talked about and used in tattoo circles. It is effective; however, it is often quite painful.
Saline tattoo removal is also effective, though lighter inks and residual ink may require additional sessions to remove. Because saline tattoo removal is color blind, it is the ideal method for cosmetic tattoos, which may contain colors like titanium dioxide. This is very difficult to remove with the laser method.
This is critically important. Many home tattoo removal or lightening remedies found online are not only ineffective but also cause skin damage. This results in delaying the treatment by weeks or possibly months.
Remember the emergency removal window is up to 48 hours but can be less. If you miss this window, you will have to wait. It is best seek out removal sooner than later.
Sometimes it is just brow shock; this is when a new cosmetic tattoo looks much darker, bigger, and bolder than you wanted. Consult with an experienced saline tattoo removal specialist. They can tell you the pros and cons of emergency tattoo removal.
After your tattoo removal sessions, your skin is likely to feel hot and slightly tingly. This is a very normal sensation, although it can be slightly uncomfortable.
If you experience this sensation, apply a cool compress to the skin. Leave for ten to twenty minutes to reduce swelling and pain. Make sure the icepack or whatever you use is disinfected before and after the use, and don’t get the site wet.
Using a hot/cold tub or sauna after getting a tattoo removed isn’t a good idea. It could irritate the area and cause further inflammation or pain.
On top of this, hot tubs often carry bacteria, particularly if they haven’t been properly cleaned. This could lead to a higher chance of infection in the skin from where the tattoo was removed.
Simply keep your tattoo out of water, steam, and sweat.
Drinking a lot of water is a good idea generally. However, it is particularly important after a tattoo removal session. Dehydration will severely slow down the healing process because it reduces the volume of blood in your body.
When this happens, less blood is available to deliver to your healing skin. So make sure to drink plenty of water while you’re waiting for your next tattoo removal session.
Your skin might feel itchy or uncomfortable after tattoo removal. However, it’s important to resist the urge to scratch or pick scabs. Scratching could result in further damage to the skin and possibly bleeding and scarring.
After tattoo removal treatment and scabs have naturally fallen off, your skin will be especially dry. Dry skin takes much longer to heal and can be very uncomfortable. That’s why good moisturizing techniques are a must following tattoo removal.
Find an appropriate moisturizer for your skin. Avoid those that have scents or colors added to them, any active ingredients such as retinol, glycolic acids, etc., as this could irritate the affected area. Apply your moisturizer at least two times per day, preferably in the morning and at night.
However, if your skin feels dry throughout the day, you can apply extra moisturizer.
While you should keep the skin you had your tattoo removed from clean, scented soaps are often not the best choice. They have additional chemicals added to them to give them their signature scent. These can irritate sensitive and healing skin.
Sun exposure, more specifically UV exposure, is dangerous for the skin in general. However, it’s particularly risky for skin that has just been through tattoo removal. Healing skin is more susceptible to damage by UV rays, which causes DNA damage in your skin cells.
Use broad spectrum mineral sunscreen, which protects your skin from both UVA and UVB, with SPF 30 or above. This will keep it well protected from any further damage and allow it to heal more quickly.
After you get a tattoo removed, you need to give your body and skin a chance to heal. You must take care of yourself during this time. Avoiding substances that are harmful to your body will help to promote healing.
Your tattoo removal therapist will know exactly what they’re doing. Certain training is necessary to remove tattoos. This means your therapist has undergone the appropriate education before removing your tattoos.
That’s why it’s so important to adhere closely to their advice. If they advise sunscreen, bandages, or moisturizer, make sure you take note. They will know the best ways to speed up the healing process post-tattoo removal.
Emergency tattoo removal is manageable if you follow the steps above. By being careful following tattoo removal, you ensure your skin gets a chance to heal fully.
Wearing sunscreen, moisturizing, and avoiding picking the scabs will all go a long way toward aiding the healing process. Saline tattoo removal is a great choice, as it is less likely to cause scarring and is often less painful than alternative removal options.
Whatever your tattoo removal needs for your permanent makeup, we have the solution. Rachel is not only the first Botched Ink-certified tech in North America but also a Botched Ink-certified Correction and Removal specialist and a senior technician. Prior to that, she had been a certified A-Plus Ocean technician specializing in saline tattoo removal. Get in touch today to find out about our wide range of services.
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